Wedding list example
Welcome to our example list!
As you can see, O-liste is fully customizable (color, background and texts). O-liste is fully independant, you put gifts coming from anywhere (nearby shops, online websites, flea market...)
The main particularity of O-liste, is the possibility to get any kind of gift on you list
- Classical gifts (stroller, baby clothing, books...)
- Donations (for NGOs or any cause you defend)
- Gifts in kind/services (for more friendliness, request for gift in hours, units...)
Check it out, this list is dedicated to you, for you tests.
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And if you have any question: feel free to contact us!
Show bank detailsHide bank details
Banking information is sent to you by email when contributing in a gift, but you can also find them hereunder.
- Beneficiaries: The bride and groom
- IBAN: BE44611575353045
Favorite - Accepted in 2nd hand - Loan accepted - Delivery by hand accepted
Favorite - Accepted in 2nd hand - Loan accepted - Delivery by hand accepted
EUR (€) | ❯ |