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an innovative wishlist system
Valid for life i βœ“ Your list is valid for life! More precisely, it will exist as long as O-liste exists (with one-year guarantee). So you can use it for several events!
Unique list system i βœ“ Gifts in foreign currency, second-hand gifts, donatons, gifts in kind, independent list ... We can not dream better!
Multilingual and international i βœ“ Available in 4 languages ​​and in many currencies, your friends and families can participate from all over the world!
Custom URL i βœ“ a personalized address such as o-liste.net/little-us2019, o-liste.net/john-and-mary
Gift management i βœ“ A complete management tool: participation history, follow-up of the received gift, calculation of amounts, management of acknowledgments, export of data to Excel ...
Unlimited number of gifts i βœ“ No limitation in the number of gifts. No matter where they come from, you put as much gifts as you want.
Data protection i βœ“ Https protocol, protection of your list by password, encrypted sensitive data and a guarantee never to communicated your personal data.
Notifications by email i βœ“ Receipt of a confirmation email for your offeros (and copy for you). You are notified in real time of gifts received.
Custom indexation i βœ“ Choose if you want to appear in the search results on O-liste and choose if you want to be referenced on the search engines (Google, Yahoo ...).
Free updates i βœ“ Always practical: insert a map towards the place of the marriage, towards the maternity, the close quarters etc.
Great customer service i βœ“ A quality human customer service providing personalized answers in a very short time.
Instant activation i βœ“ Activation of your list is performed as soon as you make the request. Both for payment via PayPal and via bank transfer.
Waiting message i βœ“ You can display a waiting message for your friends and families, so you can communicate the link to your list in advance, without revealing anything of its contents!
Thank-you system i βœ“ You can suggest to your offerors to fill in their postal address in order to easily send thanks.
Only your money i βœ“ Your friends and families pay their financial contributions directly into your bank account (or PayPal), no commission, no intermediary, easy and convenient!
You spend money where and when you want.
Price: 28 € (all taxes included)
Without any extra charge
Create a list
Free and no obligation trial
An elegant, user-friendly and customizable website
The famous "O-liste" wishlist i βœ“ The only and unique one! (Your list is directly on your site, there is no difference with the list only)
Valid for life! i βœ“ As long as O-liste exists (minimum warranty 1 year)
Customization of texts, colors, fonts, background i βœ“ Modify text, colors, fonts, wallpaper, icons, choose active tabs ... for a unique result!
Custom URL of the site i βœ“ john-and-mary.o-liste.net, baby2020.o-liste.net ... Choose your address which will fit nicely into your announcement.
Instant creation i βœ“ No need to wait, your site is generated in a second, then it's up to you!
Indexing and safety i βœ“ Your sensitive data is well protected, you can also protect the access to your site by password and choose if your site can be referenced by the search engines (Google, Yahoo ...) and if it can appear in search results on O-liste.
O-liste will never communicate the data of its customers
Photo album i βœ“ Manage your guest list, your gifts and export your data to Excel Max 100 Mo
RSVP i βœ“ Your guests fill out the form and you easily manage your guest list.
Acces map i βœ“ Always practical: insert a map towards the place of the marriage, towards the maternity, the close quarters etc.
Carsharing tool i βœ“ For more ecology and friendliness, propose to your friends and family to carpool through an online tool on your website.
Guestbook i βœ“ Open a guestbook on your website and enjoy the reading of the various messages.
Countown display i βœ“ Shows a countdown until D-Day...
Responsive website i βœ“ Your site is accessible and appears nicely on any medium.
Email broadcast system i βœ“ Write to all your contacts at once!
Management tools i βœ“ Export your data (gifts, guests ...) to text or Excel files
Price: 49 € (all taxes included)
Without any extra charge
Create website
Free and no obligation trial

What payment methods does O-liste offer?

There is two means of payment:
β€’ Via PayPal (instant activation)
β€’ Bank transfer (instant activation)

Additional information

Your product remains editable throughout its life, only the IBAN number linked to your list can not be changed one year after activation of your product.

Charity list

For disasters, NGOs, humanitarian associations ... O-liste gladly offers sites and lists using the promo code solidarity.